Sunday, March 24, 2013

Blog Post #9

Do you, no one else.

The main thing i got from Mr. McClungs posts is that you can't be too worried about what other people think of you. If you are a teacher at a school, there is obviously a reason that they hired you, so be confident in your skills and knowledge. Being accepted by your peers in the workplace isn't exactly at the top of my priority list. Always remember that your peers aren't the reason you got the job, and your peers aren't the reason you keep your job. After all, the success of your kids is what teaching is all about, right? Having friends in the workplace is completely normal, but when you put your teaching methods on the line because of something one of your co-workers said, that's when you need to re-evaluate things. He is saying that you have to stick to your guns when youre teaching. People will always criticize the way you do things, not only in the workplace. Your peers will criticize you the rest of your life, and you have to let it roll off your shoulder. Peer pressure is still exists when you grow up. How will it affect you?

Don't get comfortable

Another thing I got from Mr. McClung's posts is that you can't get too comfortable with the way you teach. You should always be searching for ways to make your lessons more interesting. If you lose the interest of the students, you're wasting their time. He talks about how he hated going to school as a kid and that he didn't want that for his students. I want my students to enjoy coming to my class and learning. School is widely accepted as a chore. What if we could change that? What if the next generation of teachers could change how the world views school? We could change this outlook of school as being boring and tedious into fun, but still productive.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Blog Post #8

This is how we dream

In the presentation "This is how we dream," Dr. Miller talks about classes using media and technology to express something instead of words on a word processor. He thinks writing needs to be more interactive and creative. I totally agree with what he's saying. Technology is moving so fast that teachers are starting to utilize the technology to put it in their lessons and assignment. I plan on teaching high school History, so this will be extremely helpful in making things more creative in my classroom. Now, with this kind of technology, students won't have to get up in front of a class and do pointless power point presentations that noone pays attention to. This way the students can be more interactive with the technology.


Carly is similar to Dr. Miller with her project. She is using multimedia and technology to do her project instead of writing pages and pages on a word document. Using technology and media arts can help students better understand the subject manner, since they are growing up in a society that is so built around nature, that it would be almost inefficient to keep things the same as they have been for the last 50 years.

Push Through

The Chipper series is about a girl who has Dr. Strange for EDM310 and doesn't like learning on her own and that he should teach her since she is paying tuition to go to that school. Chipper eventually decided to drop out of school and make her own school. When that didn't work out she got a few jobs teaching, but none of them seemed to turn out the way she wanted it to. She eventually would go back to school and get her Masters. EDM 310 for dummies is a project that a few students got together and did together. They were extremely frustrated with the class until they got their copy of EDM 310 for dummies. When they got that, they did a lot better because it has more in depth instructions on the different things we use in the class. I think the overall message is to keep pushing through, even if you hate it. I'll be honest, i really dislike this class, but i know I can't give up because I know that at least some of this will come in handy one day.

It's time for change

In this video "Learn to Change, Change to Learn," they talk about how educators need to realize that technology isn't a choice in these kids' lives anymore; it is a part of them. So why not utilize that? Why not use our teaching methods to fit with what our students now-a-days are used to, instead of taking their technology away. One of the educators in this video said "if you turn a child's phone off, you essentially turn the child off." I don't think that could be anymore true. It's sad that our society has become that dependent on technology, but its' reality.